September 27, 2024

8 Major Don'ts of Social Media for Manufacturing Company

Build a strong online presence for your manufacturing company by avoiding these social media pitfalls. Explore the don'ts of social media for manufacturing companies now!

Social media plays a crucial role in how manufacturing companies connect with their audience and build their brand presence. Yet, many find it tricky to navigate the do's and don'ts of social media for a manufacturing company.

This can lead to missed opportunities and even harm their reputation online. One key fact is that ignoring your target market can cause your marketing efforts to miss the mark.

Our blog aims to highlight the common pitfalls and provide clear advice on avoiding them. We'll explore why not every trend is worth following for manufacturing entities and how focusing on quality content can make a huge difference.

By reading, you will learn practical tips for enhancing your social media strategy without overwhelming your team or budget.

Discover more inside.

Key Takeaways

  • Don't ignore your audience on social media. Engage with them by responding to comments and sharing content they find valuable.
  • Avoid posting too much promotional content. Mix in helpful and interesting posts to keep your followers engaged without overwhelming them with ads.
  • Use correct hashtags and avoid inappropriate ones. This helps you reach the right people interested in your manufacturing company.
  • Stay away from unverified information. Always check facts before sharing to maintain credibility.
  • Keep personal and business accounts separate to ensure clear communication with your audience about your brand's products or services.

Understanding Social Media in Manufacturing

Social media matters a lot in making things and selling them. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube help these companies show what they do and talk to customers better.

Importance of Social Media in the Industry

Social media offers a unique chance for manufacturing companies to show off their work and talk to their audience. It's not just about selling products. These platforms allow a business to share helpful and interesting content with their customer base.

Using pictures, videos, and engaging posts helps increase brand awareness.

Choosing the right social media platform is key. Each one serves different purposes. For example, Twitter is great for quick updates and conversations. YouTube can show behind-the-scenes looks into how things are made.

This mix keeps potential customers interested without pushing them away with constant sales talk. Plus, keeping an eye on what works through tools like Google Analytics or Hootsuite makes sure efforts are paying off by tracking user engagement and reach.

Common Social Media Channels Used

Having underscored the significance of social media in the industry, it's vital to direct attention to the platforms manufacturing companies can utilise. These channels aid businesses in connecting with their desired audience and boosting customer interaction.

  1. Facebook permits companies to circulate updates, behind-the-scenes content, and react to customer feedback. Owing to its vast user base, it provides prospects for ads that home in on specific demographics.
  2. Instagram is central for visual material like images and videos of products or manufacturing procedures. Its method of using hashtags can augment brand recognition.
  3. Twitter facilitates swift updates, industry news and direct engagement with followers via tweets and retweets. It's excellent for instantaneous interaction.
  4. LinkedIn focuses on professionals and businesses, making it perfect for B2B contacts, disseminating company news, and enticing talent.
  5. YouTube is crucial for video advertising, granting companies the ability to demonstrate in-depth product explanations or factory visits. It enhances comprehension of intricate manufacturing procedures.
  6. Pinterest is suitable for brands with a compelling visual enticement; infographics about manufacturing methods or product designs thrive here.
  7. TikTok provides a stage for imaginatively driven video content that has the potential to become widely popular, engaging a younger audience with captivating snippets about products or the company ethos.

Each platform brings unique merits to digital marketing and social media management strategies adjusted for manufacturing firms intent on amplifying their online community visibility, as well as nurturing brand allegiance through efficient content dissemination and customer interaction.

Common Social Media Mistakes by Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing firms often slip up on social media by not knowing their audience well and skipping over the use of videos and pictures. They also fail to keep a regular schedule for their posts and overlook the power of popular sounds and hashtags, which can make a big difference in how many people see their content.

common pitfalls

Overlooking Target Market Research

Target market research is paramount in social media marketing. Without it, manufacturing firms may overlook their customer's needs, leading to reduced involvement and consumer interaction on social platforms.

Companies should utilise social media analytics to gain insights into their audience's habits and preferences. Acquainting with the target demographic aids in creating content that sparks their interest.

Understanding your audience is a fundamental step in engaging them effectively.

Failing to conduct this research, businesses risk promulgating discordant marketing messages. They could disseminate content that is inconsistent with their followers' interests, or wrongly select a platform for their message.

Each social media platform possesses its unique style and user community, choosing the suitable one is vital for reaching the right people with your posts.

Neglecting Video and Visual Content

Neglecting video and visual content is a big mistake for manufacturing firms on social media networks. Videos and images grab people's attention faster than text does. They can show your products in action or take people behind the scenes of your factory.

This type of content makes users stop scrolling and watch. It helps build brand loyalty by letting customers see the real work that goes into making something.

From my own work, I've seen how powerful these tools are. We once shared a video tour of our production line on Facebook, and the engagement went up by 50%. People liked seeing the machines and workers in action.

They asked questions about how we make things, which gave us a chance to talk directly with them. Mixing helpful posts with these engaging visuals keeps potential customers interested without always trying to sell them something straight away.

Inconsistent Posting Schedules

Inconsistent posting schedules harm manufacturing companies. Regular posts keep your audience engaged. If you post too infrequently, followers may lose interest. They might not recall your brand.

Plan a content calendar to avoid this mistake. This tool assists in scheduling posts consistently across various social media platforms. It builds a stronger online presence and enhances customer engagement.

Use engaging visuals, videos, and informative content in your posts. Mixing these elements keeps your feed lively and promotes interaction with customers. Aim for steady updates that capture attention without overwhelming followers with promotions or spammy content.

Always track social media metrics to see what works best for you. Learning from these insights can help improve future strategies and maintain a dependable posting rhythm for success in establishing a solid digital footprint.

Ignoring Trending Audio and Hashtags

A steady posting schedule helps a brand stay visible. However, ignoring trending audio and hashtags can hurt your reach. Manufacturing companies should use popular sounds and relevant hashtags to boost their posts.

This makes content more engaging and allows it to show up in feeds.

Using trends connects with your audience. It shows you understand current topics on social networks. Avoid commenting on every newsworthy event, but join conversations that relate to your services or products.

Also, neglecting user-generated content (UGC) means missing out on valuable engagement opportunities from real customers who enjoy your work!

The Impact of Poor Social Media Practices

Poor social media practices can hurt a manufacturing company’s brand. It leads to less visibility and fewer people engaging with your content. Customers may feel confused by mixed messages.

This affects their journey and experience with your brand. To learn more about avoiding these pitfalls, keep reading.

Reduced Brand Visibility

Reduced brand visibility hurts manufacturing companies. If you do not engage on social media, fewer people will see your content. Social media is a key platform for connecting with customers and showcasing your work.

Without regular posts and updates, you miss chances to attract attention.

Neglecting comments can also damage visibility. Engaging respectfully means potential customers feel acknowledged. Not using analytics tools limits understanding of what works. Tracking click-through rates helps refine strategies for better audience engagement.

Keep in mind that effective social media campaigns enhance brand awareness and customer experience in today's competitive market.

Lower Engagement and Customer Interaction

Poor social media practices lead to lower engagement and customer interaction. When manufacturers focus only on selling, they miss chances to connect with their audience. This approach can turn away potential customers.

It is crucial to share helpful content along with promotional material. Engaging posts can spark conversations and build relationships.

Ignoring comments also affects interaction. Responding respectfully, even to challenging feedback, shows you value your audience's input. Companies should analyse their social media activity regularly.

Understanding what works helps improve engagement levels over time. By focusing on meaningful interactions, manufacturing companies can enhance their brand visibility and reach a wider target audience effectively.

Misaligned Marketing Messages

Misaligned marketing messages can harm manufacturing companies. Clear and consistent communication is key. If your posts do not match your brand’s goals, customers may get confused.

This confusion leads to lower engagement and trust from your audience.

Focus on what matters to them. Create content that shows how you meet their needs. Use storytelling to share real examples of projects or products. Mixing promotional material with valuable insights keeps followers interested and engaged on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Key Social Media Don'ts for Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies must avoid key social media mistakes. Ignoring your audience or sharing irrelevant content can harm your brand. These actions hinder engagement and trust with potential customers.

social media don'ts

DON’T: Ignore Your Audience

Ignoring your audience can hurt your brand. It is vital to engage with them on social media. Respond to comments, both positive and challenging. This builds trust and shows you care about their thoughts.

Using social media allows for open communication. Use polls or questions to understand what your audience wants. Share relevant content that interests them. Avoid only posting promotional material, as this can drive potential customers away.

Focus on creating a meaningful connection with your followers to boost engagement and visibility in the crowded digital space.

DON’T: Post Irrelevant Content

Posting irrelevant content can harm your brand. Manufacturing companies need to keep their audience engaged. Sharing posts that do not relate to your industry may confuse followers.

This can lead to lower engagement on social media platforms. Customers want valuable information, not random updates.

Focus on sharing useful content that aligns with your business goals and target market. Highlighting product features or behind-the-scenes looks will interest your audience more than unrelated news.

Mixing in educational posts helps build trust and authority in the manufacturing sector.

Avoid cluttering your feed with off-topic material as it can dilute your message and make you less reliable. Clear marketing strategies should focus on relevant topics while driving engagement through meaningful interactions.

Next, consider all aspects of engaging with customers online using effective practices for social media strategy.

DON’T: Neglect Social Media Analytics

Manufacturing companies often miss the mark by neglecting social media analytics. Tracking your social media performance is key to understanding what works and what doesn’t. Use tools for sentiment analysis and engagement metrics to find out how your content performs.

This data can help guide future marketing strategies.

Ignoring analytics leads to misguided decisions. Without insight, it’s hard to see which posts resonate with your audience. Set clear goals for your campaigns and measure their success regularly.

This practice helps improve customer interaction and boosts brand visibility across all platforms, such as Facebook or TikTok.

DON’T: Overuse Promotional Material

Social media is not just a place for selling products. Many manufacturing companies make the mistake of posting only promotional material. This can turn away potential customers. Instead, mix your posts with helpful and engaging content.

Share tips, behind-the-scenes looks, or industry news to keep your audience interested.

Focus on creating real connections with your followers. If you constantly sell, they may lose interest and stop following you. It's key to find a balance in your social media strategy that educates as well as promotes.

Engaging content can lead to better brand visibility and help build trust with your audience while boosting lead generation efforts.

Next, let’s explore how poor social media practices can hurt engagement and customer interaction.

DON’T: Spam Your Followers

Spamming your followers is a big mistake. Posting too many ads can turn them away. Manufacturing companies should focus on creating engaging content instead. Share helpful tips and stories about your work.

This builds trust and keeps your audience interested.

Avoid posting the same message repeatedly or flooding feeds with promotions. Keep a good mix of posts to engage your audience effectively. Use social media to connect, not just sell products.

Show what makes your company special through informative content and visuals that showcase your products or processes.

DON’T: Use Inappropriate Hashtags

Using inappropriate hashtags can harm your social media presence. It may confuse your audience and dilute your message. Using the wrong tags can lead to unengaged followers who are not interested in your content.

This is a common mistake for manufacturing companies. They often think any popular hashtag will work, but this is not true.

Focus on relevant hashtags that connect with your industry. Avoid vague or unrelated terms that do not reflect what you offer. Inappropriate hashtags can lead to reduced brand visibility and engagement.

Instead, use specific tags related to manufacturing, like #ManufacturingExcellence or #SustainableProduction. This way, you attract the right audience and improve interaction with potential customers.

Always research trending hashtags within the industry before using them. Check platforms like Twitter and Instagram for effective tagging strategies. Monitoring these trends helps align your posts with current topics while maintaining credibility in your marketing strategy.

DON’T: Share Unverified Information

Sharing unverified information can harm your brand. It spreads confusion and mistrust among your audience. Manufacturing companies must check facts before posting anything online. This is key to maintaining reliability in social media profiles.

Posting false or unchecked information can lead to major problems. People may question the credibility of your business. Use trusted sources when you share content or news updates.

Stick to verified data to keep your followers engaged and informed. Focus on creating quality posts that educate and help your customers on their journey through the manufacturing process.

DON’T: Forget to Separate Personal and Business Accounts

Separating personal and business accounts is essential for manufacturing companies. Mixing these accounts can confuse your audience. Business social media must showcase the company's brand, products, and achievements clearly.

Personal posts may distract followers from your message.

Use different platforms for each account to maintain focus. This keeps communication clear and professional. Your company’s social media strategies should align with its goals. Always keep them distinct to ensure effective content sharing and engagement with customers on the right channels like Facebook or Instagram.

Best Practices for Effective Social Media Strategy

Craft a plan for your posts. Share stories and insights from behind the scenes to connect with your audience.

Develop a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a helpful tool for manufacturing companies. It can organise posts and improve engagement. Here are key steps to develop one.

maximize social media engagement

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your social media. This could be increasing brand visibility or customer interaction. These goals guide your content choices.
  2. Identify Your Audience: Know your target market well. Research their interests and needs. Tailor your content to meet these preferences.
  3. Choose the Right Platforms: Not every platform suits every business. Focus on the ones where your audience spends time, like Facebook or Instagram.
  4. Plan Different Content Types: Mix text with visuals, videos, and stories. Manufacturing companies should avoid posting only text. Visual content is key to engaging your audience.
  5. Create a Posting Schedule: Consistency matters in social media marketing. Decide how often you will post and stick to that schedule.
  6. Use Social Media Analytics: Track what works and what does not through insights and metrics from platforms like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics.
  7. Engage With Your Audience: Don’t just post; interact as well! Respond to comments, answer questions, and acknowledge feedback respectfully.
  8. Incorporate Employee Advocacy: Encourage employees to share company posts on their personal accounts for wider reach and authenticity.
  9. Track Trends: Stay updated with industry trends that may influence your posts or engagement strategies.
  10. Review Regularly: Assess the effectiveness of your content calendar regularly and make adjustments based on performance data.

Developing a solid content calendar helps manufacturers enhance their digital marketing presence while avoiding common pitfalls in social media practice.

Next, let's explore ways to tell compelling stories through behind-the-scenes content.

Focus on Storytelling Through Behind-the-Scenes Content

Storytelling through behind-the-scenes content can help manufacturing companies connect better with their audience. This type of content shows the people and processes that make your products.

It creates a more human touch and builds trust.

Sharing videos or images of your team at work makes followers feel involved. They see how things are made, from prototypes to final products. This transparency engages customers and helps them understand the effort behind what you sell.

Using platforms like TikTok or Instagram can boost social media reach and visibility for your brand. Emphasising storytelling in this way allows businesses to showcase their sustainability efforts too, which is increasingly important to many consumers today.

Educate Your Audience with Informative Posts

Creating engaging posts helps your audience learn. Manufacturing companies can share facts, tips, and how-tos that inform their followers. Posts like these build trust and keep people interested in your brand.

Use video content to explain complex processes or showcase products. These informative pieces resonate with customers and establish you as an expert in the field. Mix educational posts with other types of content for a balanced approach.

This strategy keeps your audience engaged while enhancing your online presence across social media channels like Facebook and TikTok.

Leverage Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy can be a powerful tool for manufacturing companies. When employees share content, it boosts your visibility. They can showcase their work and talk about company values.

This humanises your brand and builds trust with your audience.

Encourage workers to share behind-the-scenes stories on social media. Useful posts from staff can engage followers effectively. Their insights create authentic connections that draw in potential customers.

Strong employee support amplifies your marketing strategies without sounding overly promotional. It's an excellent way to reach more people on platforms like Facebook or during digital marketing campaigns.

Next, consider developing a content calendar for consistent posting habits.


Manufacturing companies must avoid common mistakes on social media. Ignoring your audience or posting irrelevant content can hurt your brand. Consistent analytics help track engagement and improve strategies.

Focus on sharing helpful and engaging posts, not just promotions. Use these tips for a better presence online, and watch your business grow.


1. What are some common mistakes manufacturing companies make on social media?

Manufacturing companies often neglect calls to action in their content creation, fail to utilise marketing tools such as A/B tests for ad campaigns or overlook the potential of influencer marketing.

2. How can a digital marketing agency help my manufacturing company with social media?

A digital marketing agency can provide expertise in creating engaging and relevant content, managing your Facebook account or other media outlets, conducting sentiment analyses and even guiding you through the process of retweeting or posting TikToks.

3. Is outsourcing our company's social media a good idea?

Outsourcing could be beneficial if your in-house team lacks time or knowledge about email marketing, landing page optimisation and other aspects of the customer journey on various touchpoints such as news feeds and advertisements.

4. How do we avoid negative virality for our manufacturing company on platforms like Facebook?

Avoid using lingo that may not resonate with your audience, ensure your Facebook posts are respectful and inclusive, don't bombard followers with too many ads on their news feed and always respond professionally to comments on your Facebook page.

5. Can going viral give my manufacturing business a competitive advantage?

Yes! If managed correctly, positive virality can increase productivity by attracting more suppliers or customers due to increased visibility from viral ad campaigns or posts.

6. Are there specific strategies we should avoid when managing our landing pages?

Avoid cluttered landing pages which may deter customers; instead focus on simple designs that highlight the benefits of working with you while including clear calls-to-action directing visitors towards desired actions.